The following art works were based on dangerous man made materials . That harm are earth and the animals that like one it. People have been disposing waist though out history without thinking . But now were are being educated on what these materials do to the environment. So next time think about recycling and start being green.
We may drink and get a little ridgy but that does not mean that you should through your waist it could hurt someone.
Plastic bottles is harmful for are earth it puts unnatural chemicals into the soil. And also can trap small animals.
Fishing net is used for fishing but ketches other animals other then fish.
Cigarettes are harmful for your body and the butts thank twenty years to break down. And still put horrible chemicals into the earth.
Cardboard may not but harmful chemicals into the earth but are made out of trees that are animals homes. So think about the cardboard that you don't recycle.
Balloons and plastic bags are confused as jelly fish to most sea animals and are usually eaten by animals that pray on them usually causing there death.
Six ring can holders can get chocked on animals as they grow they are slowly chocked to death.