Monday, June 7, 2010

Black Sheep

Black Sheep is a piece where I had reflected on the past an the present. Black Sheep used the idea of claiming community land. From the old english wool industry, when the wool industry became big villages used to have community land for farming, but since sheep rome the land the owners did not want to loose their sheep so they would fence off a section of the community land for their own. I have taken a modern twist to this by placing my "sheep" and some furniture on a planter that separates the two street lanes. But siting on this unclaimed or community land I am claiming it as my own.


This embroidery is one of my pieces that were under the concentration of nick names or labels for women. This was using the ideas of word and images to make a name. For instance this is a Sex Kitten. This piece was shown at Cleveland Institutes of Art's What is Fiber? show.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Feminin Power

I declare that women can have sexual power over men since their weakness is their sexual desire. My manifesto hales all the stereotypes that men inflict on use and declares that we not fight against them but feed into them. Feminism in the 60's and 70's was all about that we weren't equal. But I say that this is not really a bad thing we should take advantage that they may think we are week and this sexual object. It is important to know the stereotypes before you fight against them.
For my manifesto I printed some insperational text on the straps and made a lace pattern to be printed on the front of the bra. This lace was composed of womens bodys. This objectified their bodys while making then sexy at the same time.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

This installation was about how sexual desire underlays are subconscious. I show cased sex in a psychologist office where the psychologist asks you questions about how you feel. While you sit the the chair you notis that the wall paper are womens bodys forming this pattern.